Course Library
Any Subscription, All Content
With every subscription plan, users get access to thousands of videos produced by the ASJ team. Learn and practice your soft skills using our short-form videos and interactive assignments.
Bite-Sized Content
Research shows that online attention spans drop within three minutes of a video, with less being more with modern day social media platforms. AllSumJobs takes this to heart; our videos rarely hit the three-minute mark and most videos are only thirty to sixty seconds long. Instead, we divide a course into a series of mini-lessons that string together to form an on-demand, watch-when-you-can approach to e-learning.

Interview Q&A
From behavioral to technical, the AllSumJobs interview Q&A videos help prepare users for any professional interview. These courses are designed around a series of real-world questions, with our actors playing the part of would-be interviewee. With each example answer being their own video, users can take time to practice their answer on their own, modeled after the professionals.
Workplace Scenarios
Whether it’s to familiarize yourself to a new workplace or to practice workplace mannerisms, our actors play out common scenarios in various workplace environments. Originally designed for English development, these courses take it slow and give the user time to learn what to say given a scenario, from serious topics like workplace rejection, to less serious ones like lunchroom antics.

Career Advice
Professional Tips
On occasion, AllSumJobs has an opportunity to interview a guest author for a series of clips we call the professional tips videos. These videos cover a variety of topics, from resume and interview tips, to industry-specific survival tactics. With content uploaded regularly, users are welcome to request content that suits their industry needs.

Need More?
The basic subscription does not include the AllSum Academies™, specialist courses that include a mix of e-learning courses and hybrid instruction, culminating in one final capstone project. These months-long programs are purchased individually and can be a great addition to the basic subscription.