Want to learn how to have conversations around conflicts and compliments at work?

Before AllSumJob was AllSumJobs, we made on-boarding and ESL courses for users new to the United States workforce. For many of our users today, this work might be a little too obvious or straightforward but, for those who need it, this serves as an essential service to get workers acquainted with our workplace culture. Mastering workplace conversations around conflicts and compliments is the key to success. Only with proper management, the team can work efficiently as one. 

The lessons include…

  1. Bad Boss – Conversations about a “bad boss”, someone who belittles you or your coworkers and sets a bad atmosphere.
  2. Micromanagement and Neglect – Skits that involve micromanagement from the boss, and when the boss ignores workers in the workplace.
  3. Confronting Workplace Conflict – Skits handling troublesome coworkers who may lie to their coworkers or bully others within the workplace.
  4. Confronting Workplace Conflict 2 – A continuation of our skits about coworkers, including more on bullying and blame.
  5. Rejecting Coworkers – A set of skits involving coworker rejection, handling this gracefully and without upsetting others.
  6. Workplace Preparation – Skits about preparing for projects in the workplace, like getting ready for a presentation.
  7. Workplace Compliments – Skits about giving and receiving compliments in the workplace. Be ready to say “thank you” for the compliment!

These skits cover basic workplace conversations around conflicts and compliments, and you’re welcome to use these examples to guide your own English practice. Feel free to adjust the conversations however you like, and if you come up with a great skit of your own, feel free to share!

Want to learn more about workplace onboarding? Allsumjobs have many lessons about conversations at work.

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The ASJ Team

59 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 48 Topics