Data Science Technical Questions

Interview tips and demonstrations to help you master a data science interview, with questions sourced from actual hiring managers.

General data science technical questions

Wanting to become a data scientist? The ability to answer data science technical questions is crucial in your interview. It doesn’t even matter if your interviewer likes your personality if you can’t describe data. Not only do we teach you the answers to the most commonly asked interview questions, but we’ll also demonstrate what and how to say these answers!

In this course, we’ll provide seven modules to split up various technical questions asked during Data Scientist interviews:

  1. Statistical theory, such as the basis for why we trust data in the first place.
  2. Statistical analyses such as basic hypothesis testing.
  3. Statistical error, including Type I and II error.
  4. Basic machine learning, including what machine learning is and is not.
  5. More on machine learning with more specific designs.
  6. Deep learning introduction is a more current method that more advanced data scientists may be asked about.
  7. Deep learning with rarely asked but crucial questions that may arise during an advanced interview.

All lessons are performed by the interviewer accompanied by tips. They are especially important for data scientists, data engineers, database managers, or quantitative researchers. AllSumJobs always suggests you take what you learn from our Interview Q&A series and apply it to your own style to make a personalized approach suited to your needs and the needs of your future employer.

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Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 41 Topics
  • 7 Quizzes