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Creating an Online Business

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  1. Identify Skills
    7 Topics
  2. Conducting Research
    5 Topics
  3. Online Stores
    5 Topics
  4. Making a Flyer
    7 Topics
  5. Managing Expenses
    7 Topics
  6. Survey Customers
    8 Topics
Lesson Progress
0% Complete


In the previous activity, you successfully created a new spreadsheet and titled it appropriately. Now, you’ll embark on the next step: listing the items you sell and recording essential data about your inventory and sales. Begin by labeling the first column “Product Type.” Under this heading, list all the products or materials you offer. As you enter each item, you may notice that some text overlaps between columns. To ensure clarity and ease of viewing, it’s advisable to wrap the text. This can be done by selecting the entire column and applying the text wrap function, allowing the content to fit neatly within each cell. Your inventory list will now be more organized and visually accessible.

Moving forward, add new headings to the columns adjacent to “Product Type.” Label the next one “Original Stock,” which represents the initial quantity of each product available when you launched your business. For instance, if you began with twenty-five tablet stands, enter “25” under this column for that item. Next, title the following column “Total Sold” and list the quantity of each item sold to date, even if the figure is zero. The subsequent column should be labeled “Current Stock”; add the header but leave the cells under it blank for now. Following this, create a “Cost Per Unit” column to reflect the production cost of each item, filling it based on your expenses per product. Add another column for “Retail Price,” indicating the price at which you sell each item to customers. Then, prepare a column for “Margin,” but leave it empty as it will be addressed in the next video. Lastly, to enhance readability, select the last three columns and adjust their format to display numbers as monetary values, thereby making your spreadsheet more intuitive and user-friendly.