The Four Roles at a Restaurant
Welcome to the Restaurant!10 Topics
Service with a Smile7 Topics
Checking in on Guests8 Topics
Bussing Tables and Cleaning7 Topics
Line Cooks to Chef Supreme4 Topics
Service Tips for Bigger Tips7 Topics
When Things go Wrong12 Topics
The Guest Ordered Something Different
Somebody Broke Some Dishes
The Food is Taking a Long Time
An Ingredient is Out of Stock
The Food is too Cold
Something is in the Guest's Food
A Guest is Served Allergens
Guests Are Upset
Reminding Guests to Tip
Stopping Dine & Dash
Reminding Guests to Sign Receipts
Remain Calm and Carry On!
The Guest Ordered Something Different
Start With Menus and Drinks
Menus Before or After Seating
There is no standard practice as to when to hand your customers menus. For instance, some establishments with long wait times may keep menus out in front to allow waiting customers to think about their order in advance. In these cases, you need to take menus with you to the table and hand them out there, or allow the customer to carry their own. In other cases, the menus may even be stored at the table for convenience, or laid out in advance.
Please note that some restaurants have gone digital with their menus as a result of COVID-19. Be aware of what policies your restaurant follows, and be ready to either explain how to access the digital menu online, provide disposable paper copies of the menu, and so-forth.
Drinks Upon Seating
It is standard to offer your customers something to drink upon seating. Start by asking what they would like to drink, and offer water (or tea, in some areas) if they prefer. In some states and at certain times, you may not automatically provide water, such as California during a drought. Be aware of the rules and regulations in your area.
Below is an example of providing drink orders: