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The Four Roles at a Restaurant
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Welcome to the Restaurant!10 Topics
Service with a Smile7 Topics
Checking in on Guests8 Topics
Bussing Tables and Cleaning7 Topics
Line Cooks to Chef Supreme4 Topics
Service Tips for Bigger Tips7 Topics
When Things go Wrong12 Topics
The Guest Ordered Something Different
Somebody Broke Some Dishes
The Food is Taking a Long Time
An Ingredient is Out of Stock
The Food is too Cold
Something is in the Guest's Food
A Guest is Served Allergens
Guests Are Upset
Reminding Guests to Tip
Stopping Dine & Dash
Reminding Guests to Sign Receipts
Remain Calm and Carry On!
The Guest Ordered Something Different
Lesson 1,
Topic 10
In Progress
Misbehaving Guests
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Mask requirements have forced businesses to confront customers. Typically businesses avoid confrontation so enforcing these policies often gets complicated fast. Let’s explore some practical suggestions on how to ask people to wear masks.
It is vital that employees have the right attitude and politely ask for the customer to mask up. The employee should be persistent but with a gentle tone. Clients will become defensive if they feel commanded. If they refuse to do so you might offer them a free mask as a last attempt. If the customer still refuses to comply then you have no choice but to reject them from entry.
- Employees must use a gentle tone
- Clients will become defensive if employees order them around
- Consider offering them a free mask if they do not have one