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Creating text-based ads on Google Search through an Ad Grants Campaign offers a valuable opportunity for your organization to connect with people seeking answers on Search, positioning your ads just below paid ads. As you design a marketing strategy leveraging Google Search Ads, it’s essential to tailor your approach to target communities, donors, and volunteers effectively. To start, make a copy of the provided starter project, a crucial tool for managing your marketing choices. Rename this document for easy reference in all your long-term marketing strategies. The next step involves articulating your mission statement or crafting a paragraph that encapsulates the core purpose of your organization. This mission statement will be the guiding force behind your ad campaign. With your mission in mind, define at least four clear goals for your organization. These goals will form the foundation of your ad campaigns, each of which is a collection of ads supporting one specific organizational goal. It’s important to recognize that different types of campaigns are more effective for different goals. 

There are several campaign types to consider, each serving a distinct purpose. Smart campaigns aim to achieve objectives like increasing calls, website sales, sign-ups, or visits to a physical location. For instance, a sign-ups campaign can be effective for recruiting volunteers and contributors, such as prompting local business owners to sign up for monthly food donations if you run a food bank. Meanwhile, website sales campaigns focus on driving transactions, like encouraging donations for your cause. Visits campaigns, on the other hand, aim to increase foot traffic to your organization or encourage the use of your resources, which is particularly useful if you’re trying to reach underserved communities. Each campaign goal directly aligns with your organization’s work: website sales equate to donations, sign-ups help recruit volunteers or beneficiaries, and visits boost organizational visibility. Your task now is to determine the most suitable campaign type for each of your organization’s goals. Following that, brainstorm a unique ad campaign for each specific goal, clearly stating the desired action you want people to take in response to the campaign. These goals and campaigns will serve as a roadmap for your digital marketing strategies over the long term. Your next steps involve copying and renaming the starter project, entering your mission statement, defining at least four goals for your organization, identifying the appropriate campaign types for each goal, and brainstorming a separate ad campaign to support each of these goals.