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At this point, your Google Sheets project tracker adeptly monitors various project tasks based on due dates, ownership, and status. In this video, the focus shifts to enhancing the tracker’s visual appeal and professionalism before sharing it with others. Begin by making the category headers more distinct—highlight the text and apply changes to the style, such as bolding, enlarging the type, and even altering the text color for added visibility. Adjust the column width, particularly in columns requiring more space for text, like the notes column, ensuring ample room for project team members to input information. Utilize text wrapping to ensure that the text fits neatly within cell borders, enhancing readability.

To further improve readability, modify the size and style of the text. Consider linking external files, such as the project charter from the “Create A Project Charter” activity, to your spreadsheet. This can be accomplished by opening a new tab, navigating to Google Drive, finding the file, copying the link, and then inserting it into the Resources column. Once the sheet is refined and contains pertinent project information, it becomes ready for sharing. Collaborate with a classmate by exchanging project trackers—no physical presence required, just the exchange of names and email addresses. Share your tracker, include a note outlining specific areas for your partner to review and engage with. Upon receiving your partner’s tracker via email, explore its functionality, update task statuses, click on links, and provide feedback or comments as needed.