Adding Header & Footer
In this section, you’ll learn how to enhance your business plan by adding a header and a footer to your document. A header, located at the top of each page, is an ideal place to include essential details such as your company’s name or other author-identifying information, alongside the title of the document. This helps in maintaining a professional look and aids in the identification of the document. On the other hand, footers appear at the bottom of each page and are commonly used to include information like the document’s creation or update dates, copyrights, references, or page numbers. By using headers and footers, you can ensure that this important information is consistently displayed on every page of your document, eliminating the need for repetitive typing.
To begin, add a header to your business plan. This should include the name of your company and a declaration that your document is a business plan. Given that the title of your business plan is already prominent on the first page, consider using a different header for subsequent pages or leaving the header on the first page blank to avoid overcrowding the page. Following this, insert a footer on the first page of your business plan. In the footer, you could add a brief note stating that the information in the business plan is confidential, which is particularly useful if your document is being shared externally. Alternatively, you could include the date when the file was last updated, helping you and others understand the currentness of the information. With headers and footers now a part of your business plan, you’ve taken another step towards creating a well-organized and professional-looking document. Your next steps are to insert and customize a header, and then do the same with a footer.